Once you have Python-based interfaces, many new possibilities develop. You can now use interfaces as objects that can define contracts. For example, you can say that there is a class AllText that converts IExample to IAllText, where the latter interface has a metho d getAllText() that returns all human-readable text from IExample. Such a class is known as an Adapter. More formally, adapters use one interface ( IExample) to provide/implement another interface ( IAllText).


Even more commonly, interfaces are used for identification. Zope 3's utility registry often executes queries of the form: "Give me all utilities that implement interface I1." Interfaces are even used to classify other interfaces! For example, I might declare my IExample interface to be an IContentType. I can then go to the utility registry and ask: "Give me all interfaces that represent a content type ( IContentType)." Once I know these content type interfaces, I can figure out which classes are content types.


You can see that interfaces provide a solution to a wide range of use cases. By the way, it is very common to create empty interfaces purely for identification purposes; these interfaces are known as "marker interfaces".
