1. 我就是那个很不起眼的Feather

1.1. 关于自己

Mail: [email protected]

BLOG: http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1145264221

BLOG: http://andelf.spaces.msn.com

1.2. 陕西广电登陆程序(供Linux,FreeBSD使用)

现在有个情况就是不知道 'l_PwPUE~IBo<' 'k@?6SYhabQA4' 是如何加密的,如果有谁能帮下忙....不胜感激. yula00499 => 'l_PwPUE~IBo<'

   1 from urllib import thishost,urlopen
   2 from time import time
   3 myip = thishost()
   4 myname = 'l_PwPUE~IBo<'
   5 mypass = 'k@?6SYhabQA4'
   6 def login(ip,username,password):
   7     logurl = r''+\
   8     f = urlopen(logurl).read()
   9     for i in f.split('&'):
  10         if i.startswith('loginKey'):
  11             a = i.replace('loginKey=','')
  12         elif i.startswith('username='):
  13             b = i.replace('username=','')
  14     if a and b:
  15         return (a, b)
  16     else: raise RuntimeError
  17 def logout(ip,cname,logkey):
  18     outurl = r''+\
  19     f = urlopen(outurl).read()
  20     if f.find('ipconfig=0')!= -1:
  21         return True
  22     else: return False
  23 print '*********Network Client For SXBCTV*********'
  24 print 'Program By Feather ([email protected])'
  25 print 'Now login to the server....'
  26 try:
  27     p = login(myip, myname, mypass)
  28 except:
  29     print 'Login Error, Check Connection Please!'
  30 if p:
  31     start = time()
  32     key = p[0]
  33     cname = p[1]
  34     print 'You are Login As %s ,The Key is %s' % (cname, key)
  35 else :
  36     print 'Login Error, Check Connection Please!'
  37 while True:
  38     cmd = raw_input("Type 'exit' While You Want To Disconnect: \n>>>")
  39     if cmd in ['exit', 'bye', 'quit', 'logoff', 'disconnect']:
  40         if logout(myip, cname, key):
  41             end = time()
  42             print 'Time Lasted(s):', end-start
  43             print "You've Disconnected from the Server!!"
  44             raise SystemExit
  45         else:
  46             print 'Error occured......'
  47             raise SystemExit

1.3. 最近正在

1.3.1. 学习TurboGears,准备做个BLOG
