文章来自《Python cookbook》.


-- [2004-09-29 04:52:50]



Credit: Mitch Chapman

问题 Problem

A large Python application includes resource files (e.g., Glade project files, SQL templates, and images) as well as Python packages. You want to store these associated files together with the Python packages that use them.

大规模的Python应用程序包括资源文件(比如Glade?项目文件,SQL模板,图像文件等)和Python包。 需要将资源文件和使用它们的Python包存放在一起。

解决 Solution

You need to be able to look for either files or directories along Python's sys.path:

需要相对于Python的sys.path, 查找文件或目录:

   1 import sys, os
   3 class Error(Exception): pass
   5 def _find(pathname, matchFunc=os.path.isfile):
   6     for dirname in sys.path:
   7         candidate = os.path.join(dirname, pathname)
   8         if matchFunc(candidate):
   9             return candidate
  10     raise Error("Can't find file %s" % pathname)
  12 def findFile(pathname):
  13     return _find(pathname)
  15 def findDir(path):
  16     return _find(path, matchFunc=os.path.isdir)

讨论 Discussion

Larger Python applications consist of sets of Python packages and associated sets of resource files. It's convenient to store these associated files together with the Python packages that use them, and it's easy to do so if you use this variation on Recipe 4.21 to find files or directories with pathnames relative to the Python search path.

比较大的Python应用程序包含很多Python包一级关联的资源文件。将资源文件同相关的Python包存放在一起,使用起来很方便 。对于这样的文件存储方式, 将食谱4.21方法加以变化,在相对于Python搜索路径的相对目录中查找文件或目录,简单一些。

参考 See Also

Recipe 4.21; documentation for the os module in the Library Reference

食谱 4.21 http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin.cgi/PyCkBk_2d4_2d21

Python文档 os模块部分

PyCkBk-4-22 (last edited 2009-12-25 07:14:42 by localhost)