With the Bookmarker application under our belt, it's time to move on and look at a real-world application. In the next three chapters, we explore one of the first open-source TurboGears applications to be released: WhatWhat Status.

在书签Bookmark应用程序之后,我们来看看一个现实世界的应用程序. 在接下来的3章中,我们将探索一个开源的TurboGears应用: WhatWhat Status.

There's a lot to learn from the WhatWhat Status application, and we start out by exploring some features of SQLObject and TurboGears models that didn't come up in the Bookmarker application. We also look at the Identity framework, which is TurboGears's built-in mechanism for doing authentication/authorization. Along the way, we deal with some of the issues that come up while building a real-world application in TurboGears. Particularly, we talk about how to build model objects that keep your controllers from becoming a jumbled mess.

WhatWhat Status中我们会学到很多,我们将从一些先前没有接触的SQLObject和TurboGears的特性开始, 并涉及TurboGears内建的Identity framework(身份验证框架),用于身份验证和授权. 同时,我们将处理一些在使用TurboGears创建实际应用时候遇到的问题. 尤其我们将会讨论如何创建合适的model objects(数据库模型), 从而不会使你的controllers(控制器)杂乱不堪.

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