The WhatWhat Status RecentChanges page provides real-world examples of several important new TurboGears features. The RecentChanges subcontrollers uses cookies and RSS feeds. So, we take a look at those, but most important, this is where we see the first appearance of user-defined widgets. If you remember, we said that widgets bundle up HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a reusable way, and the authors of WhatWhat Status took advantage of this to reduce code duplication in the "recent changes" template.

WhatWhat Status最近更新页面是一些重要TurboGears新特性的最好例子. 最近更新的子控制器使用了cookie和RSS feed. 我们将详细介绍这些,更重要的还有自定义widgets. 如果你记得的话,我们说过,widgets将html,css,以及javascript使用可重用的方法封装, WhatWhat Status 的作者在最近更新模板里充分利用了这个特性,减少了大量的重复代码.

::- [by andelf]