大伙儿通过 维基 自在汇集文章,分享Python体验/知识/技巧……

推荐读物::Py教程 Guido老爹唯一成书!
;) 推荐行动:中文Pythoner星球 2007/10/25

:P 因Spamer频繁攻击 >> 重启ACL管理 !

清风 是当前系统管理员


1. 自行注册

2. 然后在python-cn邮件列表中向管理组成员说明: 维基注册帐号+技术信仰

3. 最后被加入可信赖行者群 获得编辑权限.

Name (Use FirstnameLastname)
Password repeat (Only when changing passwords)

1. 自个儿

Please fill out Name, Password, Password repeat and Email.

(!) It is best to choose a WikiName (like FirstnameLastname) as username to get your changes and signatures link back to your WikiHomepage. Your email is needed for you to be able to get notifications on page changes and to recover lost login data.

If you click on Create Profile, a user profile will be created for you and you will be logged in immediately.

2. 登录

如果想要重新登录, 只要使用 NamePassword 然后点击 Login. 如果你忘记了你的密码, 填上你的Email地址然后点击 Mail me my account data.

3. 更改设置

Save 更新你的个人信息 (存储于wiki服务器上).

4. 登出

Logout 清除在登录时生成的Cookies.

5. The Cookie

/!\ The "ID", shown in the response page, gets saved as a cookie in your browser for the system to temporarily recognize you. It will expire next midnight - except if you choose Remember login information forever (after being logged in), then the cookie won't expire.