thw Quick Library -- pythonic library for daily working -- ZoomQuiet [2005-01-16 08:33:53]

  • ZqLib -- 中文项目首页

1. Description

1.1. goal

  • For me, there are 3 important features:
    1. Zqlib is designed as a mail core Blog system. Just based on mail, but not DB! Supporting any mail system which has Python API (such as Gmail). We can simply blog through mail!
      • maybe use CherryPy as publish platform, and xml as data mirror at local...

    2. Collect good tip codes as utility packets, esp. some tips for resolving Chinses process in web,mail,xml and so on; and it can quickly install into python environment, and is easy using;
    3. Run as an open proj., providing a platform for China Python fans to share their tip codes into uniform packet. Enjoying OpenSource...

1.2. Join

1.2.1. People

1.3. Timeline

1.4. Document

2. log

3. discuss

4. relationship

5. ZqLibEn feedback

  • 其实E文版本不过是个门面,仅仅是复制了 项目的申请内容,真正要将 ZqLib 作成什么样还是要看大家的集体智慧,可以先将你的想法汇集到 ZqLib 中文主页面中 E文版本等等项目发布时再改也不迟 -- ZoomQuiet

  • 呵呵,没关系的,我刚才在复习英语,手痒痒就来写写英语,算作练习:) 还请见谅。 -- EddyXu