1. 2006-04-07啄木鸟1.3.4配置

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from MoinMoin.multiconfig import DefaultConfig

class Config(DefaultConfig):

    # Wiki identity ----------------------------------------------------

    # Site name, used by default for wiki name-logo [Unicode]
    sitename = u'Woodpecker Wiki for Pythonic'

    # Wiki logo. You can use an image, text or both. [Unicode]
    # Example: u'<img src="/wiki/mywiki.png" alt="My Wiki">My Wiki'
    # For no logo or text, use ''
    #logo_string = sitename
    #logo_url = '/modern/img/WP.gif'
    logo_url = '/htdocs/wpwiki_banner.gif'
    logo_string =u'<img src="%s" alt="%s"> <span id="sitetit">%s</span>' % (logo_url,sitename,'')

    # The interwiki name used in interwiki links
    interwikiname = None

    # Critical setup  ---------------------------------------------------

    # Misconfiguration here will render your wiki unusable. Check that
    # all directories are accessible by the web server or moin server.

    # If you encounter problems, try to set data_dir and data_underlay_dir
    # to absolute paths.

    # Where your mutable wiki pages are. You want to make regular
    # backups of this directory.
    data_dir = '/data1/www/wiki.woodpecker/moin/data/'

    # Where read-only system and help page are. You might want to share
    # this directory between several wikis. When you update MoinMoin,
    # you can safely replace the underlay directory with a new one. This
    # directory is part of MoinMoin distribution, you don't have to
    # backup it.
    data_underlay_dir = '/data1/www/wiki.woodpecker/moin/underlay/'

    # This must be '/wiki' for twisted and standalone. For CGI, it should
    # match your Apache Alias setting.
    url_prefix = '/htdocs'
    #url_prefix = '/wiki'

    # Security ----------------------------------------------------------

    # Security critical actions (disabled by default)
    # Uncomment to enable options you like.
    #allowed_actions = ['DeletePage', 'AttachFile', 'RenamePage']
    allowed_actions = [ 'DeletePage','AttachFile', 'RenamePage']
    # Enable acl (0 to disable)
    acl_enabled = 1    

    # IMPORTANT: grant yourself admin rights! replace YourName with
    # your user name. See HelpOnAccessControlLists for more help.
    # All acl_right_xxx must use unicode [Unicode]
    acl_rights_before = u"ZoomQuiet,limodou:read,write,delete,revert,admin"
    acl_rights_default = u"Trusted:read,write,delete,revert Known:read,write,revert All:read"
    # Link spam protection for public wikis (Uncomment to enable)
    # Needs a reliable internet connection.
    #from MoinMoin.util.antispam import SecurityPolicy

    # Mail --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Configure to enable subscribing to pages (disabled by default)
    # or sending forgotten passwords.

    # SMTP server, e.g. "mail.provider.com" (empty or None to disable mail)
    mail_smarthost = ""

    # The return address, e.g "My Wiki <[email protected]>"
    mail_from = ""

    # "user pwd" if you need to use SMTP AUTH
    mail_login = ""

    # User interface ----------------------------------------------------
    # Add your wikis important pages at the end. It is not recommended to
    # remove the default links.  Leave room for user links - don't use
    # more than 6 short items.
    # You MUST use Unicode strings here, but you need not use localized
    # page names for system and help pages, those will be used automatically
    # according to the user selected language. [Unicode]
    navi_bar = [
        # Will use page_front_page, (default FrontPage)
        u'[FrontPage 首页]',
        u'[CPUG CPUG]',
        #u'[PythonCN Python.cn]',
        #u'[PyUSS 统一存储项目]',
        u'[WoodpeckerProjs 社区项目集锦]',
        #u'[bsd FreeBSD文档项目]',
        u'[WoodpeckerDocuments 社区文档中心]',
        u'[WoodpeckerHackers 啄木鸟行者堂]',
        u'[FLOSS 开源知识中心]',
        #u'[FindPage 搜索]',        
        u'[DiscoverOnline 网际发现]',
        u'[RecentChanges 更新]',
        u'[FindPage 搜索]',
        u'[HelpContents 帮助]',
        #u'[HelpContents 帮助]'

    # The default theme anonymous or new users get
    theme_default = 'modern'

    # Language options --------------------------------------------------

    # See http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ConfigMarket for configuration in 
    # YOUR language that other people contributed.

    # The main wiki language, set the direction of the wiki pages
    default_lang = 'zh'
    # encoding and WikiName char sets
    # (change only for outside America or Western Europe)
    charset = 'utf-8'
    upperletters = "A-Z"
    lowerletters = "0-9a-z"

    # You must use Unicode strings here [Unicode]
    #page_category_regex = u'^Category[A-Z]'
    #page_dict_regex = u'[a-z]Dict$'
    #page_form_regex = u'[a-z]Form$'
    #page_group_regex = u'[a-z]Group$'
    #page_template_regex = u'[a-z]Template$'

    page_category_regex = u'^Category[A-Z]|类$'
    page_dict_regex = u'[a-z]Dict$|字典$' 
    page_form_regex = u'[a-z]Form$|表$'  
    page_group_regex = u'[a-z]Group$|组$' 
    page_template_regex = u'[a-z]Template$|模板$'

    # Content options ---------------------------------------------------

    # Show users hostnames in RecentChanges
    show_hosts = 1 
    show_timings = 1                 

    # Enumerate headlines?
    show_section_numbers = 1

    # Charts size, require gdchart (Set to None to disable).
    chart_options = {'width': 600, 'height': 300}   

    # options people are likely to change due to personal taste
    nonexist_qm = 0                         # show '?' for nonexistent?
    backtick_meta = 1                       # allow `inline typewriter`?
    allow_extended_names = 1                # allow ["..."] markup?
    edit_rows = 20                          # editor size
    #max_macro_size = 50                     # max size of RecentChanges in KB (0=unlimited)
    bang_meta = 1                           # use ! to escape WikiNames?