1. 2006-04-17.up2 1.5.3!

今天MoinMoin 1.5.3 发布了!


1.1. 升级过程

  1. 备份!
  2. 迁移MoinMoin 主程序,使用 ln -s  链接到实际运行目录中

  3. SVN 管理: 通过 hooks 脚本可以自动将更新的脚本同步到运行目录中,就不用登入服务器了!
  4. 定制!
    1. CSS
    2. macro::Include.py
    3. macro::TableOfContents.py

    4. macro::FootNote.py

    5. theme::modern.py

1.2. 加速发布

正常CGI 的形式发布,结果常常有::

You triggered the wiki's surge protection by doing too many requests
in a short time.
Please make a short break reading the stuff you already got.
When you restart doing requests AFTER that, slow down or you might get
locked out for a longer time!

1.2.1. fast-cgi


Lighttpd 怎么也不能如意的发布!

给Apache 安装又出错………… 放弃! === Twisted ==


#./mointwisted.py start 

    twisted.web based wiki server

    Run this server with mointwisted script on Linux or Mac OS X, or
    mointwisted.cmd on Windows.

    @copyright: 2004-2005 Thomas Waldmann, Oliver Graf, Nir Soffer
    @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
: error 63
import: not found
./mointwisted.py: 19: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

sys.path.insert(0,"/path/to/wiki.woodpecker/moin/server/wikiconfig") 实际这行怎么看也没有问题哪?! 晕!放弃!

1.2.2. mod_python

刚刚加载 LoadModule python_module /usr/local/libexec/apache2/mod_python.so

apache 就不能启动了,想起来著名的冲突!

重新安装Python 不使用 thread 的; 重新编译"""mod_python-3.1.4_1"""

修改Apache 配置:

    #ScriptAlias /moin "/path/to/wiki.woodpecker/moin/server/moin.cgi"
    <Location /moin>
        SetHandler python-program
        # Add the path of your wiki directory
        PythonPath "['/path/to/wiki.woodpecker/moin/server'] + sys.path"
        PythonHandler MoinMoin.request::RequestModPy.run

DONE! 重启,果然轻快了一些!