文章来自《Python cookbook》.


-- [2004-09-23 16:58:36]

1. 描述

Reading Lines with Continuation Characters 读取含有行连接字符的文件行

1.1. 问题 Problem

You have a file that includes long logical lines split over two or more physical lines, with backslashes to indicate that a continuation line follows. You want to process a sequence of logical lines, rejoining those split lines.


1.2. 解决 Solution

As usual, a class is the right way to wrap this functionality in Python 2.1:

Python 2.1中,正确方法仍是使用封装类:

   1 class LogicalLines:
   3     def _ _init_ _(self, fileobj):
   5         # Ensure that we get a line-reading sequence in the best way possible:
   6         import xreadlines
   7         try:
   8             # Check if the file-like object has an xreadlines method
   9             self.seq = fileobj.xreadlines(  )
  10         except AttributeError:
  11             # No, so fall back to the xreadlines module's implementation
  12             self.seq = xreadlines.xreadlines(fileobj)
  14         self.phys_num = 0  # current index into self.seq (physical line number)
  15         self.logi_num = 0  # current index into self (logical line number)
  17     def _ _getitem_ _(self, index):
  18         if index != self.logi_num:
  19             raise TypeError, "Only sequential access supported"
  20         self.logi_num += 1
  21         result = []
  22         while 1:
  23             # Intercept IndexError, since we may have a last line to return
  24             try:
  25                 # Let's see if there's at least one more line in self.seq
  26                 line = self.seq[self.phys_num]
  27             except IndexError:
  28                 # self.seq is finished, so break the loop if we have any
  29                 # more data to return; else, reraise the exception, because
  30                 # if we have no further data to return, we're finished too
  31                 if result: break
  32                 else: raise
  33             self.phys_num += 1
  34             if line.endswith('\\\n'):         #如果行尾有连接符号,仅添加本行内容到逻辑行list  
  35                 result.append(line[:-2])
  36             else:
  37                 result.append(line)           #否则,添加本行内容到逻辑行list,并且退出循环   
  38                 break
  39         return ''.join(result)                #返回连接成的逻辑行字符串 
  41 # Here's an example function, showing off usage:
  42 #使用方法
  43 def show_logicals(fileob, numlines=5):
  44     ll = LogicalLines(fileob)
  45     for l in ll:
  46         print "Log#%d, phys# %d: %s" % (
  47             ll.logi_num, ll.phys_num, repr(l))
  48         if ll.logi_num>numlines: break
  50 if _ _name_ _=='_ _main_ _':
  51     from cStringIO import StringIO
  52     ff = StringIO(
  53 r"""prima \
  54 seconda \
  55 terza
  56 quarta \
  57 quinta
  58 sesta
  59 settima \
  60 ottava
  61 """)
  62     show_logicals( ff )

1.3. 讨论 Discussion

This is another sequence-bunching problem, like Recipe 4.9. In Python 2.1, a class wrapper is the most natural approach to getting reusable code for sequence-bunching tasks. We need to support the sequence protocol ourselves and handle the sequence protocol in the sequence we wrap. In Python 2.1 and earlier, the sequence protocol is as follows: a sequence must be indexable by successively larger integers (0, 1, 2, ...), and it must raise an IndexError as soon as an integer that is too large is used as its index. So, if we need to work with Python 2.1 and earlier, we must behave this way ourselves and be prepared for just such behavior from the sequence we are wrapping.

同食谱 4.9类似,这也是一个序列成块适配的问题. 在Python2.1中使用封装类是最自然的方法,可以获得处理此类问题的可重用代码。这里需要自己提供文本行的序列协议,并且在处理封装的行序列时使用这个协议。Python 2.1及早期版本中,这个协议如下:一个序列必须有连续的自然数索引(0,1,2,...),当作为索引的数字超过(系列之支持的最大索引)时抛出IndexError异常。在Python 2.1中必须自己提供这样的协议, 还要自己处理我们封装的序列的协议行为。

In Python 2.2, thanks to iterators, the sequence protocol is much simpler. A call to the next method of an iterator yields its next item, and the iterator raises a StopIteration when it's done. Combined with a simple generator function that returns an iterator, this makes sequence bunching and similar tasks far easier:

Python 2.2中,由于有了iterator, 序列处理变得比较简单了。 对iterator的next方法的调用返回序列下一个元素,当序列结束时,抛出一个StopIteration异常。 使用一个简单的generator来返回iterator,可以超简单的处理序列成块适配以及类似任务:

   1 from _ _future_ _ import generators
   3 def logical_lines(fileobj):
   4     logical_line = []
   5     for physical_line in fileobj:
   6         if physical_line.ends_with('\\\n'):
   7             logical_line.append(physical_line[:-2])
   8         else:
   9             yield ''.join(logical_line)+physical_line
  10             logical_line = []
  11     if logical_line: yield ''.join(logical_line)                    #处理最后一行有r"\\n"?

1.4. 参考 See Also

食谱 4.9 [WWW] http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin.cgi/PyCkBk_2d4_2d9

Perl Cookbook Recipe 8.1.

#40 minutes

last edited 2004-09-23 17:48:30 by 61