使用Python 快速架构一个围棋对战平台 -- 051101 废止!!合并到::

::-- ZoomQuiet [2005-09-23 10:46:04]

1. 简述

1.1. 成员

1.2. 设计

1.3. 成果

1.4. 资料

----开源python围棋项目 ---

uliGo 是一个python写的桌面软件 [WWW] http://www.u-go.net/uligo/ uliGo is a program to practice solving go problems.

pggo 客户端程序

[WWW] http://www.pygame.org/projects/22/74/?release_id=82 Description pggo is a simple interface to gnugo and other programs that support the GTP protocol, the successor to the older GMP protocol. It has automatic scoring at the end of the game。


[WWW] http://www.cmxcm.com 可能是全世界第一个用手机上网下围棋的软件,基于Java MIDP 2.0

[WWW] http://multigo.net/ 可能是世界上最好用的打谱软件,有免费版本和收费版本

[WWW] http://dcs.nac.uci.edu/~strombrg/go-unix.html 一个很好的介绍围棋软件的网页

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/!\ Edit conflict - your version:

[WWW] http://www.hepu8.com/weiqi/

这个网页有SGF 文件格式中文说明书(sgf为通用围棋棋谱格式文件)


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--- 开源python棋牌(非围棋)项目 --- GoSiege [WWW] http://gosiege.sourceforge.net/ 一个不错的多人网络对战系统,包含server、client。有play、chat、用户管理等功能。除某几点外,它的游戏规则和围棋不同。尽管它也是使用棋盘和棋子,但是超过两个以上的人在同一个棋盘上使用两种以上颜色的棋子来下棋。用吃子计分来计算胜负。

Python Hex 桌面软件

[WWW] http://eric_rollins.home.mindspring.com/phex/index.html The goal in hex is simple. Red moves first, and each player alternates placing stones anywhere on the board. Red tries to form an unbroken chain of stones between top and bottom, blue between left and right. The first player to achieve an unbroken chain wins.

PSol 桌面软件

[WWW] http://www.pysol.org/ Abstract PySol is an exciting collection of more than 200 solitaire card games. Its features include support for lots of distinct games, very nice look and feel, multiple cardsets and table tiles, sound and background music, unlimited undo & redo, load & save games, player statistics and log files, hint system, demo games, support for user written plug-ins, integrated HTML help browser and lots of documentation.

ginanh 0.3.0 Multiplayer RPG game with both text and graphical user interfaces 网络游戏

[WWW] http://www.python.org/pypi/ginanh/0.3.0

Description Ginanh is a multiplayer, network RPG game. Our goal is to combine features of various games and give a free hand to player in interacting with surrounding. Ginanh is supposed to be easily extendable with an ability to create scenarios, maps and objects. So you can use Ginanh to create your own version of the game, not only RPG-like.

PyChess 1.0.2a 桌面软件

[WWW] http://www.alcyone.com/software/chess/ Description A simple chess game adjudicator。This Python module does not know how to *play* chess, but does

--- 其他开源项目 --- gnugo (C++)

[WWW] http://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/ GNU Go is a free program that plays the game of Go. GNU Go has played thousands of games on the NNGS Go server. GNU Go is now also playing regularly on the Legend Go Server in Taiwan, on the WING server in Japan, and many volunteers run GNU Go clients on KGS. GNU Go has established itself as the leading non-commercial go program in the recent tournaments that it has taken part in.

JagoClient, the Java Go Client and SGF editor

[WWW] http://www.rene-grothmann.de/jago/

JagoClient is an

Play Atari-Go (Java applet with source code) [WWW] http://igo.resurse.com/Java/Goapplet.html

用C写的服务器端的程序 (suggested by wang bin)

[WWW] http://sourceforge.net/projects/nngs/

Two-dimensional cellular automata can be used to evaluate final board positions in the game of Go. [WWW] http://eric_rollins.home.mindspring.com/go.html

Go Tools Project

[WWW] http://gotools.sourceforge.net/ The purpose of the Go Tools Project is: To encourage, develop, and distribute open-source software and tools related to the game of go. To maintain a set of links to other go-related open-source development projects and resources.

--- 其他python资源 ---

Twisted [WWW] http://twistedmatrix.com/

Twisted is an event-driven networking framework written in Python and licensed under the MIT license. Twisted projects variously support TCP, UDP, SSL/TLS, multicast, Unix sockets, a large number of protocols (including HTTP, NNTP, IMAP, SSH, IRC, FTP, and others), and much more.

Pygame [WWW] http://www.pygame.org

2. 反馈

last edited 2005-11-05 07:50:29 by ggzzzzzzz