[self]返回目录 Twisted中的多任务处理探索 (1)

1. Twisted中的多任务处理探索 (1)




   1 from twisted.internet import reactor
   2 from twisted.python import threadable
   3 threadable.init(1)
   5 def notThreadSafe(x):
   6      """do something that isn't thread-safe"""
   7      # ...
   9 def threadSafeScheduler():
  10     """Run in thread-safe manner."""
  11     reactor.callFromThread(notThreadSafe, 3) # will run 'notThreadSafe(3)'
  12                                              # in the event loop


   1 from twisted.python import threadable
   2 threadable.init(1)


   1 _to_be_synched = []
   2 threaded = None
   3 ioThread = None
   4 threadCallbacks = []
   5 synchronize(_ThreadedWaiter)
   6 init(0)


   1 def synchronize(*klasses):
   2     """Make all methods listed in each class' synchronized attribute synchronized.
   4     The synchronized attribute should be a list of strings, consisting of the
   5     names of methods that must be synchronized. If we are running in threaded
   6     mode these methods will be wrapped with a lock.
   7     """
   8     global _to_be_synched
   9     if not threaded:
  10         map(_to_be_synched.append, klasses)
  11         return
  13     if threaded:
  14         import hook
  15         for klass in klasses:
  16 ##            hook.addPre(klass, '__init__', _synch_init)
  17             for methodName in klass.synchronized:
  18                 hook.addPre(klass, methodName, _synchPre)
  19                 hook.addPost(klass, methodName, _synchPost)

它先通过map(_to_be_synched.append, klasses)来将传入的_ThreadedWaiter加入到_to_be_synched列表中。然后将这个类的所有方法在执行前和执行后都加入同步处理。这里的hook的代码真的是非常有意思,很像aspect(面向方面的编程)中的断言切入。


   1 def init(with_threads=1):
   2     """Initialize threading. Should be run once, at the beginning of program.
   3     """
   4     global threaded, _to_be_synched, Waiter
   5     global threadingmodule, threadmodule, XLock, _synchLockCreator
   6     if threaded == with_threads:
   7         return
   8     elif threaded:
   9         raise RuntimeError("threads cannot be disabled, once enabled")
  10     threaded = with_threads
  11     if threaded:
  12         log.msg('Enabling Multithreading.')
  13         import thread, threading
  14         threadmodule = thread
  15         threadingmodule = threading
  16         Waiter = _ThreadedWaiter
  17         XLock = _XLock
  18         _synchLockCreator = XLock()
  19         synchronize(*_to_be_synched)
  20         _to_be_synched = []
  21         for cb in threadCallbacks:
  22             cb()
  23     else:
  24         Waiter = _Waiter
  25         # Hack to allow XLocks to be unpickled on an unthreaded system.
  26         class DummyXLock:
  27             pass
  28         XLock = DummyXLock


last edited 2005-07-06 13:21:17 by ZoomQuiet