At this stage we have a complete package. However, other than in Zope 2, you have to register a new package explicitly. That means you have to hook up the components to Zope 3. This is done by creating a new file in ZOPE3/package-includes called messageboard-configure.zcml. The name of the file is not arbitrary and must be of the form *-configure.zcml. The file should just contain one directive:


1 <include package="book.messageboard" />

When Zope 3 boots, it will walk through each file of this directory and execute the ZCML directives inside each file. Usually the files just point to the configuration of a package. 当Zope3 启动时,它将遍历在这个目录中的每个文件并且在每个文件中执行ZCML指令,通常这些文件就指向包的配置中。


last edited 2005-10-08 13:57:25 by dugan