The following pages are about the development of MoinMoin:
MoinMoinQuestions - Questions about MoinMoin (installing, etc.)
MoinMoinTips - Tips & tricks for MoinMoin
MoinMoinTranslation - discussion about translating MoinMoin
MoinMoinBugs - bugs in the software (see also
The Sourceforge Bug Tracker)
MoinMoinDiscussion - discussion about new features
MoinMoinIdeas - you are encouraged to add wishes and ideas to this page
MoinMoinMailingLists - discussion about MoinMoin via email
MoinMoinWinCvs - instructions on using WinCVS to obtain the latest source of MoinMoin
HelpForDevelopers - the rules that govern MoinMoin development
These pages provide information about using and installing MoinMoin:
/TextFormatting - a page containing samples of all the markup options
MoinMoinSuccessStories - what do other people use MoinMoin for?
HelpContents - The main page of the help system
HelpMiscellaneous/FrequentlyAskedQuestions - Frequently Asked Questions (ask your own on
MoinMoinMailingLists - discussion about MoinMoin via email
MoinMoinWikis - list of wiki sites using MoinMoin
/InstallDocs - all the help pages about installation rolled into one
/InstallationsAnleitung - installation docs in German
SecurityPolicy - explains how to restrict access to your wiki, or parts of it
MoinMoinSyndication - Support for RSS feeds and other collaboration features across systems
Other pages about MoinMoin:
External links:
Connect to IRC for meeting the author and other MoinMoin users and developers:
channel #moin on
FreeNode server
see also
freenode home page and esp.
freenode IRC servers for more information