编写TCP服务器(Writing a TCP Server) -- dreamingk [2004-08-09 01:56:45]


Twisted is a framework designed to be very flexible and let you write powerful servers. The cost of this flexibility is a few layers in the way to writing your server.


This document describes the Protocol layer, where you implement protocol parsing and handling. If you are implementing an application then you should read this document second, after first reading the top level overview of how to begin writing your Twisted application, in Writing Plug-Ins for Twisted. This document is only relevant to TCP, SSL and Unix socket servers, there is a separate document for UDP.

本文档描述协议层,在这里定义协议的解析和处理.如果你正在编写一个应用的话这应该是你读的第二份文档,第一份是关于如何开始编写你的Twsited服务器,参见"编写Twised插件".本文档关注TCP,SSL和Unix socket服务器,关于UDP有另一份文档.

Your protocol handling class will usually subclass twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol. Most protocol handlers inherit either from this class or from one of its convenience children. An instance of the protocol class might be instantiated per-connection, on demand, and might go away when the connection is finished. This means that persistent configuration is not saved in the Protocol.


The persistent configuration is kept in a Factory class, which usually inherits from twisted.internet.protocol.Factory. The default factory class just instantiates each Protocol, and then sets on it an attribute called factory which points to itself. This lets every Protocol access, and possibly modify, the persistent configuration.


It is usually useful to be able to offer the same service on multiple ports or network addresses. This is why the Factory does not listen to connections, and in fact does not know anything about the network. See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP.listenTCP, and the other IReactor*.listen* APIs for more information.


This document will explain each step of the way.



As mentioned above, this, along with auxiliary classes and functions, is where most of the code is. A Twisted protocol handles data in an asynchronous manner. What this means is that the protocol never waits for an event, but rather responds to events as they arrive from the network.


Here is a simple example:


   1     from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
   3     class Echo(Protocol):
   5         def dataReceived(self,data):
   6             self.transport.write(data)

This is one of the simplest protocols. It simply writes back whatever is written to it, and does not respond to all events. Here is an example of a Protocol responding to another event:


   1     from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
   3     class QOTD(Protocol):
   5         def connectionMade(self):
   6             self.transport.write("An apple a day keeps the doctor away\r\n")
   7             self.transport.loseConnection()

This protocol responds to the initial connection with a well known quote, and then terminates the connection.


The connectionMade event is usually where set up of the connection object happens, as well as any initial greetings (as in the QOTD protocol above, which is actually based on RFC 865). The connectionLost event is where tearing down of any connection-specific objects is done. Here is an example:


   1     from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
   3     class Echo(Protocol):
   5         def connectionMake(self):
   6            self.factory.numProtocols = self.factory.numProtocols + 1
   7            self.factory.numProtocols > 100:
   8                self.transport.write("Too many connections, try later")
   9                self.transport.loseConnection()
  11         def connectionLost(self,reason):
  12             self.factory.numProtocols = self.factory.numProtocols - 1
  14         def dataReceived(self,data):
  15             self.transport.write(data)

Here connectionMade and connectionLost cooperate to keep a count of the active protocols in the factory. connectionMade immediately closes the connection if there are too many active protocols.


使用协议(Using the Protocol)

In this section, I will explain how to test your protocol easily. (In order to see how you should write a production-grade Twisted server, though, you should read the Writing Plug-Ins for Twisted HOWTO as well).


Here is code that will run the QOTD server discussed earlier


   1     from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory
   2     from twisted.internet import reactor
   4     class QOTD(Protocol):
   6         def connectionMake(self):
   7             self.transport.write("An apple a day keeps the doctor away\r\n")
   8             self.transport.loseConnection()
  10     # 魔术发生在下面一行:
  11     factory = Factory()
  12     factory.protocol = QOTD
  14     # 8007是你想服务运行的端口,其实大于1024都可以 
  15     reactor.listenTCP(8007,factory)
  16     reactor.run()

Don't worry about the last 6 magic lines -- you will understand what they do later in the document.


助手协议(Helper Protocols)

Many protocols build upon similar lower-level abstraction. The most popular in internet protocols is being line-based. Lines are usually terminated with a CR-LF combinations.


However, quite a few protocols are mixed - they have line-based sections and then raw data sections. Examples include HTTP/1.1 and the Freenet protocol.


For those cases, there is the LineReceiver protocol. This protocol dispatches to two different event handlers - lineReceived and rawDataReceived. By default, only lineReceived will be called, once for each line. However, if setRawMode is called, the protocol will call rawDataReceived until setLineMode is called again.

LineReceiver协议适用于这些情况.该协议分发两种不同的事件处理器 - lineReceived和rawDataReceived.缺省情况下每行只有lineReceived会被调用.然而,如果setRawMode被调用后,协议就会触发rawDataReceived,直到setLineMode被调用.

Here is an example for a simple use of the line receiver:


   1     from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
   3     class Answer(LineReceiver):
   4         answers = {'How are you?': 'Fine', None: "I don't know what you mean"}
   6         def lineReceived(self, line):
   7             if self.answers.has_key(line):
   8                 self.sendLine(self.answers[line])
   9             else:
  10                 self.sendLine(self.answers[None])

Note that the delimiter is not part of the line.


Several other, less popular, helpers exist, such as a netstring based protocol and a prefixed-message-length protocol.

还有一些不是特别流行的助手协议,比方说netstring based协议和prefixed-message-length协议

状态机(State Machines)

Many Twisted protocol handlers need to write a state machine to record the state they are at. Here are some pieces of advice which help to write state machines:



As mentioned before, usually the class twisted.internet.protocol.Factory works, and there is no need to subclass it. However, sometimes there can be factory-specific configuration of the protocols, or other considerations. In those cases, there is a need to subclass Factory.


For a factory which simply instantiates instances of a specific protocol class, simply instantiate Factory, and sets its protocol attribute:


   1     from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
   2     from twisted.protocols.wire import Echo
   3     myFactory = Factory()
   4     myFactory.protocol = Echo

If there is a need to easily construct factories for a specific configuration, a factory function is often useful:


   1     from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocl
   3     class QOTD(Protocol):
   5         def connectionMake(self):
   6             self.transport.write(elf.factory.quote+'\r\n')
   7             self.transport.loseConnection()
   9     def makeQOTDFactory(quote=None):
  10         factory = Factory()
  11         factory.protocol = QOTD
  12         factory.quote = quote or 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'
  13         return factory

A Factory has two methods to perform application-specific building up and tearing down (since a Factory is frequently persisted, it is often not appropriate to do them in init or del, and would frequently be too early or too late).

工厂有两个执行特殊应用的方法building up和tearing down(由于工程是持续的,调用init或者del都是不合适的)


Here is an example of a factory which allows its Protocols to write to a special log-file:


   1     from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
   2     from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
   4     class LoggingProtocol(LineReceiver):
   6         def lineReceived(self, line):
   7             self.factory.fp.write(line + '\n')
   9     class LogfileFactory(Factory):
  10         protocol = LoggingProtocol
  12         def __init__(self, fileName):
  13              self.file = fileName
  15         def startFactory(self):
  16              self.fp = open(self.file, 'a')
  18         def stopFactory(self):
  19              self.fp.close()

组织在一起(Putting it All Together)

So, you know what factories are, and want to run the QOTD with configurable quote server, do you? No problems, here is an example.


   1     from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocl
   2     from twisted.internet import reactor
   4     class QOTD(Protocol):
   5         def connectionMade(self):
   6             self.transport.write(self.factory.quote + '\r\n')
   7             self.transport.loseConnection()
   9     class QOTDFactory(Factory):
  10         protocol = QOTD
  12         def __init__(self, quote=None):
  13             self.quote = quote or 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'
  15     reactor.listenTCP(8007, QOTDFactory("configurable quote"))
  16     reactor.run()

The only lines you might not understand are the last two.


listenTCP is the method which connects a Factory to the network. It uses the reactor interface, which lets many different loops handle the networking code, without modifying end-user code, like this. As mentioned above, if you want to write your code to be a production-grade Twisted server, and not a mere 20-line hack, you will want to use the Application object.


version 1.3.0

PyTwisted/LowLevelNetworkingEventLoop/LLNEL3 (last edited 2010-03-10 07:17:03 by ZoomQuiet)