Twisted的关系数据库支持(Twisted RDBMS support)

-- Jerry Marx [2004-09-15 04:30:49]


Twisted is an asynchronous networking framework, but most database API implementations unfortunately have blocking interfaces -- for this reason, twisted.enterprise.adbapi was created. It is a non-blocking interface to the standardized DB-API 2.0 API, which allows you to access a number of different RDBMSes.

Twisted是异步的网络编程框架,不幸的是大多数数据库API的实现都是阻塞的接口,因为这个原因创造了twisted.enterprise.adbapi.它是一个符合DB-API 2.0 标准的非阻塞接口,使用它可以访问很多关系数据库

你应该已经知道的(What you should already know)

快速回顾(Quick Overview)

Twisted is an asynchronous framework. This means standard database modules cannot be used directly, as they typically work something like:


   1 # Create connection... 
   2 db = dbmodule.connect('mydb', 'andrew', 'password') 
   3 # ...which blocks for an unknown amount of time 
   5 # Create a cursor 
   6 cursor = db.cursor() 
   8 # Do a query... 
   9 resultset = cursor.query('SELECT * FROM table WHERE ...') 
  10 # ...which could take a long time, perhaps even minutes.

Those delays are unacceptable when using an asynchronous framework such as Twisted. For this reason, twisted provides twisted.enterprise.adbapi, an asynchronous wrapper for any DB-API 2.0-compliant module.

对于像Twisted这样的异步编程框架来说延迟是不能接受的.因为这个原因,twisted提供了twisted.enterprise.adbapi,它是一个对于任何兼容DB-API 2.0 的异步包装模块.

enterprise.adbapi will do blocking database operations in seperate threads, which trigger callbacks in the originating thread when they complete. In the meantime, the original thread can continue doing normal work, like servicing other requests.


怎么使用adbapi(How do I use adbapi?)

Rather than creating a database connection directly, use the adbapi.ConnectionPool class to manage a connections for you. This allows enterprise.adbapi to use multiple connections, one per thread. This is easy:


   1 # Using the "dbmodule" from the previous example, create a ConnectionPool 
   2 from twisted.enterprise import adbapi 
   3 dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool("dbmodule", 'mydb', 'andrew', 'password')

Things to note about doing this:


Now we can do a database query:


   1 # equivalent of cursor.execute(statement), return cursor.fetchall():
   2 def getAge(user):
   3     return dbpool.runQuery("SELECT age FROM users WHERE name = ?", user)
   5 def printResult(l):
   6     if l:
   7         print l[0][0], "years old"
   8     else:
   9         print "No such user"
  11 getAge("joe").addCallback(printResult)

This is straightforward, except perhaps for the return value of getAge. It returns a twisted.internet.defer.Deferred, which allows arbitrary callbacks to be called upon completion (or upon failure). More documentation on Deferred is available here.


In addition to runQuery, there is also runOperation, and runInteraction that gets called with a callable (e.g. a function). The function will be called in the thread with a twisted.enterprise.adbapi.Transaction, which basically mimics a DB-API cursor. In all cases a database transaction will be commited after your database usage is finished, unless an exception is raised in which case it will be rolled back.


   1 def _getAge(txn, user):
   2     # this will run in a thread, we can use blocking calls
   3     txn.execute("SELECT * FROM foo")
   4     # ... other cursor commands called on txn ...
   5     txn.execute("SELECT age FROM users WHERE name = ?", user)
   6     result = txn.fetchall()
   7     if result:
   8         return result[0][0]
   9     else:
  10         return None
  12 def getAge(user):
  13     return dbpool.runInteraction(_getAge, user)
  15 def printResult(age):
  16     if age != None:
  17         print age, "years old"
  18     else:
  19         print "No such user"
  21 getAge("joe").addCallback(printResult)

Also worth noting is that these examples assumes that dbmodule uses the qmarks paramstyle (see the DB-API specification). If your dbmodule uses a different paramstyle (e.g. pyformat) then use that. Twisted doesn't attempt to offer any sort of magic paramater munging -- runQuery(query, params, ...) maps directly onto cursor.execute(query, params, ...).

另外还要注意这个例子假设dbmodule使用qmarks paramstyle(参见DB-API规范).如果你的dbmodule使用了不同的paramstyle(比方说pyformat)你就要改相应的地方.Twisted没有提供任何参数排序 -- runQuery(query, params, ...)直接映射到cursor.execute(query, params, ...).

这样!(And that's it!)

That's all you need to know to use a database from within Twisted. You probably should read the adbapi module's documentation to get an idea of the other functions it has, but hopefully this document presents the core ideas.



version 1.3.0

PyTwisted/TwistedUtilities/TwistedRdbmsSupport (last edited 2009-12-25 07:18:21 by localhost)