Welcome to my verification world! Hope the resource here is helpful for your ASIC verification projects.

1. scripting

python is the most important scripting language for me.

I used to write Tcl script for a long time

no need to say, shell is also a very important scripting language

other useful collections from the web

2. 个人兴趣

现在我还用python的[WWW] MyHDL package来搭建testbench, it works well。我的兴趣范围还包括SystemC, Specman, SystemVerilog, PSL, testbench automation,coverage driven verification等,希望能和IC design领域的同行多多交流。

2.1. fpga prototyping

2.2. Verification vs. Test

2.3. Equivalence Check / STA

SynplifyPro -> Conformal (lec) -> ISE Timing Analyzer (trce)
set verification mode on in Synplify to generate the .vif file, use vif2conformal to translate the vif file the a format that recognizible by conformal. The inputs of trce is .ncd and .pcf files, before we can use these files generated by Synplify with lec, we had to change all these file format using dos2unix, and add -define FPGA to the .vtc file. I can't understand why Synplify failed to add this switch to the .vtc file.

Set the verification mode on will greatly slow the the synthesis speed. The whole lec process will take about 1 and a half hours to complete.

Design Compiler -> Formality -> PrimeTime

2.4. documentation

   1 # original code commented out
   2 # self.datestamp = self._get_data(DATESTAMPRE, "datestamp")
   3 self.datestamp = ''

2.5. processing excel with python

2.5.1. read

[WWW] xlrd从python.cn上看到的介绍,自己没有试过。

2.5.2. write

[WWW] xlwriter I have ever used this package to generate the summary verification report, quite good to do the same kind of work like report auto-generation. It is also platform independent. The bad side is not very easy to control the format. Some sample code:

   1 import pyXLWriter as xl
   2 def report_autogen(filename):
   3     wbk = xl.Writer(filename)
   4     sumsheet = wbk.add_worksheet('Summary')
   5     wbk.close()
   6     return 0

2.6. xml and python

XML-RPC for distributed computation, functions will be defined in the server side, client side can call these functions via http POST with xml as the embeded content.

3. 技术类

   1 from myhdl import *

4. QA

5. 精品电子书

comment: This book is almost same as the IUS document UVM

{zh} [MAILTO] [email protected] :)

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last edited 2005-12-30 06:17:21 by ChunLinZhang