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有效而实用的 pythonCookBook 浅显明了,但是还是母语使用的更爽一些!
精华-Python CookBook(Python食谱)
- 建议模板用“中文Python食谱模板”
Python Cookbook
Python Cookbook
- 序 Preface
- Chapter 1. 短平快 Python Shortcuts
- Chapter 2. 搜索和排序 Searching and Sorting
- Chapter 3. 文本 Text
- Chapter 4. 文件 Files
- Chapter 5. 面向对象 Object-Oriented Programming
- Chapter 6. 线程,进程,同步 Threads, Processes, and Synchronization
- Chapter 7. 系统管理 System Administration
- Chapter 8. 数据和持续性 Databases and Persistence
- Chapter 9. 用户界面 User Interfaces
- Chapter 10. 网络 Network Programming
- Chapter 11. 互联网 Web Programming
- Chapter 12. 处理XML Processing XML
- Chapter 13. 分布式编程 Distributed Programming
- Chapter 14. 调试与测试 Debugging and Testing
- Chapter 15. 编程 Programs About Programs
- Chapter 16. 扩展和嵌入 Extending and Embedding
- Chapter 17. 算法 Algorithms
- Chapter 18. 索引 List of Contributors
- 多嘴多舌
04/22/04 22:19 开始! By Alex Martelli, David Ascher
- Publisher : O'Reilly
- Pub Date : July 2002
- ISBN : 0-596-00167-3
- Pages : 606
序 Preface
- The Design of the Book
- The Implementation of the Book
- A Note About Licenses
- Audience
- Organization
- Further Reading
- Conventions Used in This Book
- How to Contact Us
- Acknowledgments
Chapter 1. 短平快 Python Shortcuts
PyCkBk-1-1 Section 1.1. Introduction
PyCkBk-1-2 Python 食谱 1.2. 不使用临时变量来交换值
PyCkBk-1-3 Python 食谱 1.3. 不用过多的引用来构造一个字典
PyCkBk-1-4 Python 食谱 1.4. 从字典中获取一个值
PyCkBk-1-5 Python 食谱 1.5. 增加一个入口到字典里
PyCkBk-1-6 Python 食谱 1.6. 在字典里把每一个键同多个值关联起来
PyCkBk-1-7 Python 食谱 1.7. 使用字典来分发
PyCkBk-1-8 Python 食谱 1.8. 集中一组命名的条目
PyCkBk-1-9 Python 食谱 1.9. 发现两个字典的交集
PyCkBk-1-10 Python 食谱 1.10. 用一个语句来赋值和测试
PyCkBk-1-11 Python 食谱 1.11. 使用list包容代替map和filter
PyCkBk-1-12 Python 食谱 1.12. 解包简单的类list对象
PyCkBk-1-13 Python 食谱 1.13. 拉平一个嵌套的序列
PyCkBk-1-14 Python 食谱 1.14. 在索引和序列元素上并行循环
PyCkBk-1-15 Python 食谱 1.15. 通过多个list循环
PyCkBk-1-16 Python 食谱 1.16. 生成一个浮点数定义的range
PyCkBk-1-17 Python 食谱 1.17. 变换二维数组
PyCkBk-1-18 Python 食谱 1.18. 不用共享引用建立列表的列表
Chapter 2. 搜索和排序 Searching and Sorting
PyCkBk-2-1 Section 2.1. Introduction
PyCkBk-2-2 Python 食谱 2.2. 给字典排序
PyCkBk-2-3 Python 食谱 2.3. 有效的处理选择的结构数据对
PyCkBk-2-4 Python 食谱 2.4. 在保持稳定性的同时来排序
PyCkBk-2-5 Python 食谱 2.5. 通过两个字段来排序
PyCkBk-2-6 Python 食谱 2.6. 在一个有序的序列里使用二分查找法来查找条目
PyCkBk-2-7 Python 食谱 2.7. 通过对象的属性来排序对象的列表
PyCkBk-2-8 Python 食谱 2.8. 通过元素或者属性来排序
PyCkBk-2-9 Python 食谱 2.9. 不用循环从一个list中选择随机的元素
PyCkBk-2-10 Python 食谱 2.10. 在一个序列上执行频繁的成员关系测试
PyCkBk-2-11 Python 食谱 2.11. 在一个嵌入的序列中发现一个条目的深度索引
PyCkBk-2-12 Python 食谱 2.12. 在三行代码中展示Quicksort
PyCkBk-2-13 Python 食谱 2.13. 使用sql的 ORDER BY 语法来为对象排序
Chapter 3. 文本 Text
PyCkBk-3-1 Section 3.1. Introduction
PyCkBk-3-2 Python 食谱 3.2. 每次处理字符串的一个字符
PyCkBk-3-3 Python 食谱 3.3. 测试是否一个对象是类似的string
PyCkBk-3-4 Python 食谱 3.4. 排列字符串
PyCkBk-3-5 Python 食谱 3.5. 从一个string的尾部清除空格
PyCkBk-3-6 Python 食谱 3.6. 合并字符串
PyCkBk-3-7 Python 食谱 3.7. 检查是否一个字符串中包合某个集合中的字符
PyCkBk-3-8 Python 食谱 3.8. 用一个字符集过滤一个字符串
PyCkBk-3-9 Python 食谱 3.9. 操纵大小写
PyCkBk-3-10 Python 食谱 3.10. 在字符串中倒转字符或单词(的顺序)
PyCkBk-3-11 Python 食谱 3.11. 访问子串
PyCkBk-3-12 Python 食谱 3.12. 改变多行字符串的缩进
PyCkBk-3-13 Python 食谱 3.13. 检测一个字符串是否表达一个整数
PyCkBk-3-14 Python 食谱 3.14. 扩展以及压缩制表符(Tab)
PyCkBk-3-15 Python 食谱 3.15. 一次替换多个模式
PyCkBk-3-16 Python 食谱 3.16. 在不同的命名约定之间转换
PyCkBk-3-17 Python 食谱 3.17. 在字符与和编码值间转换
PyCkBk-3-18 Python 食谱 3.18. 在Unicode和普通字符串之间转换
PyCkBk-3-19 Python 食谱 3.19. 打印Unicode字符到标准输出
PyCkBk-3-20 Python 食谱 3.20. 基于模式匹配的调度
PyCkBk-3-21 Python 食谱 3.21. 字符串内代码的求值
PyCkBk-3-22 Python 食谱 3.22. 把Python代码替换成其运行结果
PyCkBk-3-23 Section 3.23. Module: Yet Another Python Templating Utility (YAPTU)
PyCkBk-3-24 Section 3.24. Module: Roman Numerals
Chapter 4. 文件 Files
PyCkBk-4-1 Section 4.1. Introduction
PyCkBk-4-2 Python 食谱 4.2. 读文件
PyCkBk-4-3 Python 食谱 4.3. 写文件
PyCkBk-4-4 Python 食谱 4.4. 查找替换文件中字符串
PyCkBk-4-5 Python 食谱 4.5. 读取文件特定行
PyCkBk-4-6 Python 食谱 4.6. 读取文件随机行
PyCkBk-4-7 Python 食谱 4.7. 统计文件行数
PyCkBk-4-8 Python 食谱 4.8. 处理文件每个单词
PyCkBk-4-9 Python 食谱 4.9. 读取文本文件段落
PyCkBk-4-10 Python 食谱 4.10. 读取具有连接符号的逻辑行
PyCkBk-4-11 Python 食谱 4.11. 读取ZIP压缩文件
PyCkBk-4-12 Python 食谱 4.12. 读取INI配置文件
PyCkBk-4-13 Python 食谱 4.13. 输出2进制数据到Windows标准输出
PyCkBk-4-14 Python 食谱 4.14. 读取随机访问文件中记录
PyCkBk-4-15 Python 食谱 4.15. 更新随机访问文件中记录
PyCkBk-4-16 Python 食谱 4.16. 分解目录或文件路径
PyCkBk-4-17 Python 食谱 4.17. 将路径作为对象处理
PyCkBk-4-18 Python 食谱 4.18. 创建(多层)目录
PyCkBk-4-19 Python 食谱 4.19. 遍历目录树
PyCkBk-4-20 Python 食谱 4.20. 改变目录树下文件类型
PyCkBk-4-21 Python 食谱 4.21. 目录集合下查找文件
PyCkBk-4-22 Python 食谱 4.22. 在Python搜索路径下查找文件
PyCkBk-4-23 Python 食谱 4.23. 动态改变Python查找路径
PyCkBk-4-24 Python 食谱 4.24. 平台无关的计算目录大小
PyCkBk-4-25 Python 食谱 4.25. 使用平台无关API对文件加锁
PyCkBk-4-26 Python 食谱 4.26. 控制文件版本
PyCkBk-4-27 Python 食谱 4.27. 模块: 使用版本进行备份
Chapter 5. 面向对象 Object-Oriented Programming
" PyCkBk-5-1 "Section 5.1. Introduction
" PyCkBk-5-2 "Python 食谱--5.2. 覆盖内置方法
" PyCkBk-5-3 "Python 食谱--5.3. 获得类层次中所有成员属性
" PyCkBk-5-4 "Section 5.4. Calling a Superclass _ _init_ _ Method if It Exists
" PyCkBk-5-5 "Section 5.5. Calling a Superclass Implementation of a Method
" PyCkBk-5-6 "Section 5.6. Implementing Properties
" PyCkBk-5-7 "Python 食谱--5.7. 实现Static方法
" PyCkBk-5-8 "Section 5.8. Implementing Class Methods
" PyCkBk-5-9 "Section 5.9. Delegating Automatically as an Alternative to Inheritance
" PyCkBk-5-10 "Section 5.10. Decorating an Object with Print-Like Methods
" PyCkBk-5-11 "Section 5.11. Checking if an Object Has Necessary Attributes
" PyCkBk-5-12 "Section 5.12. Making a Fast Copy of an Object
" PyCkBk-5-13 "Python 食谱--5.13. 在运行时给类添加方法
" PyCkBk-5-14 "Python 食谱--5.14. 修改实体的类继承关系
" PyCkBk-5-15 "Section 5.15. Keeping References to Bound Methods Without Inhibiting Garbage Collection
" PyCkBk-5-16 "Section 5.16. Defining Constants
" PyCkBk-5-17 "Section 5.17. Managing Options
" PyCkBk-5-18 "Section 5.18. Implementing a Set Class
" PyCkBk-5-19 "Section 5.19. Implementing a Ring Buffer
" PyCkBk-5-20 "Section 5.20. Implementing a Collection
" PyCkBk-5-21 "Section 5.21. Delegating Messages to Multiple Objects
" PyCkBk-5-22 "Section 5.22. Implementing the Singleton Design Pattern
" PyCkBk-5-23 "Section 5.23. Avoiding the Singleton Design Pattern with the Borg Idiom
" PyCkBk-5-24 "Section 5.24. Implementing the Null Object Design Pattern
Chapter 6. 线程,进程,同步 Threads, Processes, and Synchronization
" PyCkBk-6-1 "Section 6.1. Introduction
" PyCkBk-6-2 "Section 6.2. Storing Per-Thread Information
" PyCkBk-6-3 "Section 6.3. Terminating a Thread
" PyCkBk-6-4 "Section 6.4. Allowing Multithreaded Read Access While Maintaining a Write Lock
" PyCkBk-6-5 "Section 6.5. Running Functions in the Future
" PyCkBk-6-6 "Section 6.6. Synchronizing All Methods in an Object
" PyCkBk-6-7 "Section 6.7. Capturing the Output and Error Streams from a Unix Shell Command
" PyCkBk-6-8 "Section 6.8. Forking a Daemon Process on Unix
" PyCkBk-6-9 "Section 6.9. Determining if Another Instance of a Script Is Already Running in Windows
" PyCkBk-6-10 "Section 6.10. Processing Windows Messages Using MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
Chapter 7. 系统管理 System Administration
" PyCkBk-7-1 "Section 7.1. Introduction
" PyCkBk-7-2 "Section 7.2. Running a Command Repeatedly
" PyCkBk-7-3 "Section 7.3. Generating Random Passwords
" PyCkBk-7-4 "Section 7.4. Generating Non-Totally Random Passwords
" PyCkBk-7-5 "Section 7.5. Checking the Status of a Unix Network Interface
" PyCkBk-7-6 "Section 7.6. Calculating Apache Hits per IP Address
" PyCkBk-7-7 "Section 7.7. Calculating the Rate of Client Cache Hits on Apache
" PyCkBk-7-9 "Section 7.8. Manipulating the Environment on Windows NT/2000/XP
" PyCkBk-7-9 "Section 7.9. Checking and Modifying the Set of Tasks Windows Automatically Runs at Logon
" PyCkBk-7-10 "Section 7.10. Examining the Microsoft Windows Registry for a List of Name Server Addresses
" PyCkBk-7-11 "Section 7.11. Getting Information About the Current User on Windows NT/2000
" PyCkBk-7-12 "Section 7.12. Getting the Windows Service Name from Its Long Name
" PyCkBk-7-13 "Section 7.13. Manipulating Windows Services
" PyCkBk-7-14 "Section 7.14. Impersonating Principals on Windows
" PyCkBk-7-15 "Section 7.15. Changing a Windows NT Password Using ADSI
" PyCkBk-7-16 "Section 7.16. Working with Windows Scripting Host (WSH) from Python
" PyCkBk-7-17 "Section 7.17. Displaying Decoded Hotkeys for Shortcuts in Windows
Chapter 8. 数据和持续性 Databases and Persistence
" PyCkBk-8-1 "Section 8.1. Introduction
" PyCkBk-8-2 "Section 8.2. Serializing Data Using the marshal Module
" PyCkBk-8-3 "Section 8.3. Serializing Data Using the pickle and cPickle Modules
" PyCkBk-8-4 "Section 8.4. Using the cPickle Module on Classes and Instances
" PyCkBk-8-5 "Section 8.5. Mutating Objects with shelve
" PyCkBk-8-6 "Section 8.6. Accesssing a MySQL Database
" PyCkBk-8-7 "Section 8.7. Storing a BLOB in a MySQL Database
" PyCkBk-8-8 "Section 8.8. Storing a BLOB in a PostgreSQL Database
" PyCkBk-8-9 "Section 8.9. Generating a Dictionary Mapping from Field Names to Column Numbers
" PyCkBk-8-10 "Section 8.10. Using dtuple for Flexible Access to Query Results
" PyCkBk-8-11 "Section 8.11. Pretty-Printing the Contents of Database Cursors
" PyCkBk-8-12 "Section 8.12. Establishing Database Connections Lazily
" PyCkBk-8-13 "Section 8.13. Accessing a JDBC Database from a Jython Servlet
" PyCkBk-8-14 "Section 8.14. Module: jet2sql桟reating a SQL DDL from an Access Database
Chapter 9. 用户界面 User Interfaces
" PyCkBk-9-1 "Section 9.1. Introduction
" PyCkBk-9-2 "Section 9.2. Avoiding lambda in Writing Callback Functions
" PyCkBk-9-3 "Section 9.3. Creating Menus with Tkinter
" PyCkBk-9-4 "Section 9.4. Creating Dialog Boxes with Tkinter
" PyCkBk-9-5 "Section 9.5. Supporting Multiple Values per Row in a Tkinter Listbox
" PyCkBk-9-6 "Section 9.6. Embedding Inline GIFs Using Tkinter
" PyCkBk-9-7 "Section 9.7. Combining Tkinter and Asynchronous I/O with Threads
" PyCkBk-9-8 "Section 9.8. Using a wxPython Notebook with Panels
" PyCkBk-9-9 "Section 9.9. Giving the User Unobtrusive Feedback During Data Entry with Qt
" PyCkBk-9-10 "Section 9.10. Building GUI Solutions Independent of the Specific GUI Toolkit
" PyCkBk-9-11 "Section 9.11. Creating Color Scales
" PyCkBk-9-12 "Section 9.12. Using Publish/Subscribe Broadcasting to Loosen the Coupling Between GUI and Business Logic Systems
" PyCkBk-9-13 "Section 9.13. Module: Building GTK GUIs Interactively
Chapter 10. 网络 Network Programming
" PyCkBk-10-1 "Section 10.1. Introduction
" PyCkBk-10-2 "Section 10.2. Writing a TCP Client
" PyCkBk-10-3 "Section 10.3. Writing a TCP Server
" PyCkBk-10-4 "Section 10.4. Passing Messages with Socket Datagrams
" PyCkBk-10-5 "Section 10.5. Finding Your Own Name and Address
" PyCkBk-10-6 "Section 10.6. Converting IP Addresses
" PyCkBk-10-7 "Section 10.7. Grabbing a Document from the Web
" PyCkBk-10-8 "Section 10.8. Being an FTP Client
" PyCkBk-10-9 "Section 10.9. Sending HTML Mail
" PyCkBk-10-10 "Section 10.10. Sending Multipart MIME Email
" PyCkBk-10-11 "Section 10.11. Bundling Files in a MIME Message
" PyCkBk-10-12 "Section 10.12. Unpacking a Multipart MIME Message
" PyCkBk-10-13 "Section 10.13. Module: PyHeartBeat桪etecting Inactive Computers
" PyCkBk-10-14 "Section 10.14. Module: Interactive POP3 Mailbox Inspector
" PyCkBk-10-15 "Section 10.15. Module: Watching for New IMAP Mail Using a GUI
Chapter 11. 互联网 Web Programming
" PyCkBk-11-1 "Section 11.1. Introduction
" PyCkBk-11-2 "Section 11.2. Testing Whether CGI Is Working
" PyCkBk-11-3 "Section 11.3. Writing a CGI Script
" PyCkBk-11-4 "Section 11.4. Using a Simple Dictionary for CGI Parameters
" PyCkBk-11-5 "Section 11.5. Handling URLs Within a CGI Script
" PyCkBk-11-6 "Section 11.6. Resuming the HTTP Download of a File
" PyCkBk-11-7 "Section 11.7. Stripping Dangerous Tags and Javascript from HTML
" PyCkBk-11-8 "Section 11.8. Running a Servlet with Jython
" PyCkBk-11-9 "Section 11.9. Accessing Netscape Cookie Information
" PyCkBk-11-10 "Section 11.10. Finding an Internet Explorer Cookie
" PyCkBk-11-11 "Section 11.11. Module: Fetching Latitude/Longitude Data from the Web
Chapter 12. 处理XML Processing XML
" PyCkBk-12-1 "Python 食谱--12.1. 介绍
" PyCkBk-12-2 "Python 食谱--12.2. 检查XML是否为良好格式
" PyCkBk-12-3 "Python 食谱--12.3. 统计文档中标记出现次数
" PyCkBk-12-4 "Python 食谱--12.4. 从XML文档提取文本
" PyCkBk-12-5 "Python 食谱--12.5. 使用XSLT来转换XML文档
" PyCkBk-12-6 "Python 食谱--12.6. 使用Python来转换XML文档
" PyCkBk-12-7 "Python 食谱--12.6. 使用xml.parsers.expat来处理XML文档
" PyCkBk-12-8 "Section 12.8. Converting Ad-Hoc Text into XML Markup
" PyCkBk-12-9 "Section 12.9. Normalizing an XML Document
" PyCkBk-12-10 "Section 12.10. Controlling XSLT Stylesheet Loading
" PyCkBk-12-11 "Section 12.11. Autodetecting XML Encoding
" PyCkBk-12-12 "Section 12.12. Module: XML Lexing (Shallow Parsing)
" PyCkBk-12-13 "Section 12.13. Module: Converting a List of Equal-Length Lists into XML
Chapter 13. 分布式编程 Distributed Programming
" PyCkBk-13-1 "Section 13.1. 简介 Introduction
" PyCkBk-13-2 "Section 13.2. 发起一个 XML-RPC 方法调用 Making an XML-RPC Method Call
" PyCkBk-13-3 "Section 13.3. Serving XML-RPC Requests
" PyCkBk-13-4 "Section 13.4. Using XML-RPC with Medusa
" PyCkBk-13-5 "Section 13.5. Writing a Web Service That Supports Both XML-RPC and SOAP
" PyCkBk-13-6 "Section 13.6. Implementing a CORBA Client and Server
" PyCkBk-13-7 "Section 13.7. Performing Remote Logins Using telnetlib
" PyCkBk-13-8 "Section 13.8. Using Publish/Subscribe in a Distributed Middleware Architecture
" PyCkBk-13-9 "Section 13.9. Using Request/Reply in a Distributed Middleware Architecture
Chapter 14. 调试与测试 Debugging and Testing
" PyCkBk-14-1 "Section 14.1. Introduction
" PyCkBk-14-2 "Section 14.2. Reloading All Loaded Modules
" PyCkBk-14-3 "Section 14.3. Tracing Expressions and Comments in Debug Mode
" PyCkBk-14-4 "Section 14.4. Wrapping Tracebacks in HTML
" PyCkBk-14-5 "Section 14.5. Getting More Information from Tracebacks
" PyCkBk-14-6 "Section 14.6. Starting the Debugger Automatically After an Uncaught Exception
" PyCkBk-14-7 "Section 14.7. Logging and Tracing Across Platforms
" PyCkBk-14-8 "Section 14.8. Determining the Name of the Current Function
" PyCkBk-14-9 "Section 14.9. Introspecting the Call Stack with Older Versions of Python
" PyCkBk-14-10 "Section 14.10. Debugging the Garbage-Collection Process
" PyCkBk-14-11 "Section 14.11. Tracking Instances of Particular Classes
Chapter 15. 编程 Programs About Programs
" PyCkBk-15-1 "Section 15.1. Introduction
" PyCkBk-15-2 "Section 15.2. Colorizing Python Source Using the Built-in Tokenizer
" PyCkBk-15-3 "Section 15.3. Importing a Dynamically Generated Module
" PyCkBk-15-4 "Section 15.4. Importing from a Module Whose Name Is Determined at Runtime
" PyCkBk-15-5 "Section 15.5. Importing Modules with Automatic End-of-Line Conversions
" PyCkBk-15-6 "Section 15.6. Simulating Enumerations in Python
" PyCkBk-15-7 "Section 15.7. Modifying Methods in Place
" PyCkBk-15-8 "Section 15.8. Associating Parameters with a Function (Currying)
" PyCkBk-15-9 "Section 15.9. Composing Functions
" PyCkBk-15-10 "Section 15.10. Adding Functionality to a Class
" PyCkBk-15-11 "Section 15.11. Adding a Method to a Class Instance at Runtime
" PyCkBk-15-12 "Section 15.12. Defining a Custom Metaclass to Control Class Behavior
" PyCkBk-15-13 "Section 15.13. Module: Allowing the Python Profiler to Profile C Modules
Chapter 16. 扩展和嵌入 Extending and Embedding
" PyCkBk-16-1 "Section 16.1. Introduction
" PyCkBk-16-2 "Section 16.2. Implementing a Simple Extension Type
" PyCkBk-16-3 "Section 16.3. Translating a Python Sequence into a C Array with the PySequence_Fast Protocol
" PyCkBk-16-4 "Section 16.4. Accessing a Python Sequence Item-by-Item with the Iterator Protocol
" PyCkBk-16-5 "Section 16.5. Returning None from a Python-Callable C Function
" PyCkBk-16-6 "Section 16.6. Coding the Methods of a Python Class in C
" PyCkBk-16-7 "Section 16.7. Implementing C Function Callbacks to a Python Function
" PyCkBk-16-8 "Section 16.8. Debugging Dynamically Loaded C Extensions with gdb
" PyCkBk-16-9 "Section 16.9. Debugging Memory Problems
" PyCkBk-16-10 "Section 16.10. Using SWIG-Generated Modules in a Multithreaded Environment
Chapter 17. 算法 Algorithms
" PyCkBk-17-1 "Section 17.1. Introduction
" PyCkBk-17-2 "Section 17.2. Testing if a Variable Is Defined
" PyCkBk-17-3 "Section 17.3. Evaluating Predicate Tests Across Sequences
" PyCkBk-17-4 "Section 17.4. Removing Duplicates from a Sequence
" PyCkBk-17-5 "Section 17.5. Removing Duplicates from a Sequence While Maintaining Sequence Order
" PyCkBk-17-6 "Section 17.6. Simulating the Ternary Operator in Python
" PyCkBk-17-7 "Section 17.7. Counting Items and Sorting by Incidence (Histograms)
" PyCkBk-17-8 "Section 17.8. Memoizing (Caching) the Return Values of Functions
" PyCkBk-17-9 "Section 17.9. Looking Up Words by Sound Similarity
" PyCkBk-17-10 "Section 17.10. Computing Factorials with lambda
" PyCkBk-17-11 "Section 17.11. Generating the Fibonacci Sequence
" PyCkBk-17-12 "Section 17.12. Wrapping an Unbounded Iterator to Restrict Its Output
" PyCkBk-17-13 "Section 17.13. Operating on Iterators
" PyCkBk-17-14 "Section 17.14. Rolling Dice
" PyCkBk-17-15 "Section 17.15. Implementing a First-In First-Out Container
" PyCkBk-17-16 "Section 17.16. Modeling a Priority Queue
" PyCkBk-17-17 "Section 17.17. Converting Numbers to Rationals via Farey Fractions
" PyCkBk-17-18 "Section 17.18. Evaluating a Polynomial
" PyCkBk-17-19 "Section 17.19. Module: Finding the Convex Hull of a Set of 2D Points
" PyCkBk-17-20 "Section 17.20. Module: Parsing a String into a Date/Time Object Portably
Chapter 18. 索引 List of Contributors
PyCkBk-18-a Section 18.1. A
PyCkBk-18-b Section 18.2. B
PyCkBk-18-c Section 18.3. C
PyCkBk-18-d Section 18.4. D
PyCkBk-18-f Section 18.5. F
PyCkBk-18-g Section 18.6. G
PyCkBk-18-h Section 18.7. H
PyCkBk-18-j Section 18.8. J
PyCkBk-18-k Section 18.9. K
PyCkBk-18-l Section 18.10. L
PyCkBk-18-m Section 18.11. M
PyCkBk-18-n Section 18.12. N
PyCkBk-18-p Section 18.13. P
PyCkBk-18-q Section 18.14. Q
PyCkBk-18-r Section 18.15. R
PyCkBk-18-s Section 18.16. S
PyCkBk-18-t Section 18.17. T
PyCkBk-18-u Section 18.18. U
PyCkBk-18-v Section 18.19. V
PyCkBk-18-w Section 18.20. W
PyCkBk-18-y Section 18.21. Y
PyCkBk-18-z Section 18.22. Z
Zoomq::040430 09:40 Moin 整理
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Chapter 13. 分发 Distributed Programming 应该是“分布式编程”吧? --LiJie
"CookBook" 通常是"食谱"的意思,不过用在书籍上的时候都是翻译为“大全”,是这么回事吧?
其实名字倒也无所谓,重要的是内容,只是刚看到“食谱”的时候还以为咱么这要办食堂呢,呵呵。 --SpiritAuding