
PyBlosxom从入门到精通! -- 共同分享Hack 的快乐!

-- Zoom.Quiet [2004-09-06 08:12:54]

1. blosxom

[WWW] blosxom:: the zen of blogging

  • 网记之禅!!

  • 简单即是美!的哲学,吸引了一大群追随者

  • blosxom 理念的认同一下子爆发了Clone的风潮! PHP,ASP,JSP,Python,Perl....... 嘿嘿嘿没有一一去查,有兴趣的可以收集一下子

  • 但是如此好的东西,国人因喜欢热闹丰富的,所以根本没有人来注意!文档根本没有!

    • 让我们开始推广简约吧!

2. PyBlosxom

pb_pyblosxom [WWW] PyBlosxom 是从BloSxom系统发展起来的,基于文件系统的Blog系统。

安装及配置简单。但是想拥有各种现代网志的功能,必须 DIY it! -- 乐趣也正在于此 -- ZoomQuiet

  • 非常想说Python 的blosxom Clone 应该是最优雅好用的!

    • 社区选中了 PyBlosxom 进行Blog 群落的支持,也 想 让大家都可以 体验 DIY自个儿的Blog -- 当然的使用 以Python !-)

2.1. QuickStart

2.2. 安装体验

2.2.1. 理解PyBlosxom

2.3. 基础管理

2.3.1. 插件安装

2.4. 多用户模式

  • PyBlosxoMultuser -- 暂时还没看到好的解决方案, 自己改造代码 -- Hoxide

2.5. PyBlosxom结构

  • 期望利用自个儿开发的dot 结构分析工具自动生成结构说明图!

2.6. 深入PyBlosxom

-- limodou [2004-09-21 23:58:02]

PyBlosxom Develop This is my personal PyBlosxom developing page.

2.6.1. Client Tool

You can use NewEdit to edit blog and save it to PyBlosxom. And NewEdit support most PyBlosxon xmlrpc-API. But I modified the original plugin, so as to support Unicode like utf-8.

2.6.2. 高阶定制

2.6.3. 插件开发

基于 NewEdit 进行PyBlosxom 的内容维护!

This plugin provides some misc method, and it is a xmlrpc plugin, so you need install plugin first. This plugin provides these methods, just like:

  • newedit.editCategory you can edit the existing category, if the category is not existed, it'll create a new one

  • newedit.putFile put file to blog

  • newedit.getFileList get file list which you'v uploaded

  • newedit.getSysFile get system file which you can access

  • newedit.getSysFileList get system file list which you can access

  • newedit.putSysFile put system file which you can access

If you want to use putFile function, you should add parameter as blow:

  • newedit_filepath - the path that files will be saved, it's a relative path according to datadir

getSysFile is used to modify some important files just like links.dat, flavour template files, etc. If you want to use this method, you shoud add parameter in as blow:

  • newedit_filelist - is a filename, the content of it is a list of filename that enable accessed via xmlrpc.

    • so if you invoke the method, it'll check the filename in the list first. If existed, you can get the content of the file, and put the new content back via putSysFile. It should be a relative path according to datadir.

For example:

py['newedit_filepath'] = 'files'
py['newedit_filelist'] = 'filelist.dat'

the structure of directory:

      entries/   #datadir
         +------ filelist.dat

If the content of the filelist.dat is :


thus you can use getSysFile to get the content of the links.dat, and modify it on the remote, then use putSysFile to save the modification.

download the plugins: Upload new attachment ""

2.6.4. 系统改造


  • PyBreST -- 让 PyBlosxom 可以理解 reST 语法!不再使用 HTML 语法……

  • PyBmoinpy -- 混入 MoinMoin 的Python 语法渲染输出

3. 反馈

汇集使用/hack PyBlosxom 的体验讨论

last edited 2006-01-11 04:36:43 by ZoomQuiet